“Christmas in Space,” produced by Q Productions Las Vegas, is an electrifying holiday spectacle where cosmic wonder meets Yuletide magic. Featuring a talented cast of acrobats, daredevils, singers, dancers, and cirque performers, the show blends cutting-edge technology with heart-stopping acts. Marvel at the Saturn Aerial Sphere, where aerialists perform breathtaking acrobatics, and be amazed by the Interplanetary Contortionist, who defies the limits of flexibility. Lady Light Lasergirl adds her dazzling laser artistry, while an alien crew embarks on a sentimental adventure to discover the true spirit of the Holiday Season. It’s a sleigh ride you won’t want to miss!
In Christmas in Space, the stellar cast of performers delivers an unforgettable experience filled with wonder, laughter, and breathtaking stunts. Zany comedians bring lighthearted humor to the show, while powerful singers captivate the audience with their commanding vocals. The contortionists amaze with their extreme flexibility, pushing the boundaries of the human body. The Trampwall Masters defy gravity with their high-flying acrobatics, while the Photon Krew light suit dancers dazzle with synchronized, illuminated performances. Lady Light Laser Girl mesmerizes with her award-winning laser artistry, and the Hair Hang Artist astounds as she performs suspended by nothing but her hair. With a talented ensemble of specialty acts and acrobats, Christmas in Space offers a thrilling journey through holiday magic like no other.
Christmas in Space will tour and perform at a wide variety of venues across Canada, including performing arts centers, theaters, and arenas. These venues are specifically chosen to accommodate the high-energy, visually stunning performances that combine acrobatics, aerial stunts, and advanced technology like lasers and holograms. Theaters and performing arts centers, such as L’Olympia in Montreal and Burton Cummings Theatre in Winnipeg, provide an intimate setting where the audience can closely experience the artistry and detailed production elements. Meanwhile, arenas like the Peterborough Memorial Centre and Centre 200 in Sydney, NS, offer larger spaces that allow for grander stage setups, perfect for the immersive, futuristic elements of the show. Each venue ensures a memorable experience, making Christmas in Space accessible to audiences across a variety of settings.
Promo video for the holiday show Christmas in Space!
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Christmas in Space!
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Produced by Q Productions Las Vegas
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